English and Italian Thank You verse Nos: V127 ~ V135

V127 – E Our family thanks all those who through expressions of sympathy, prayers and flowers have shared in our grief.

V127 – I I familiari ringraziano tutti coloro che con espressioni di conforto, preghiere fiori hanno partecipato al loro dolore.

V128 – E We wish to thank you for the heartfelt and comforting expressions of sympathy extended to us for the loss of our beloved (name). Your thoughts are deeply appreciated and we shall cherish them in our grief.

V128 – I Desideriamo ringraziarvi per le sentite e confortatrici espressioni di cordoglio pervenuteci per la perdita del nostro caro/[della nostra cara] (nome). Il vostro persiero e profondamente apprezzato e lo ricorderemo sempre.

V129 – E Our family sincerely thanks all those who have shared in our deep sorrow.

V129 – I I familiari sentitamente ringraziano tutti coloro che hanno partecipato al nostro profondo dolore.

V130 – E In asking you to accept this sad memento, our family wishes to thank you for your words of comfort, prayers and flowers for the departure of our loved one.

V130 – I Poi che cos’e morire, se non stare nudi nel vento e disciogliersi nel sole? E dare l’ultimo respiro, che cos’e se non liberario dal suo flusso inquieto affinche possa involarsi finalmente e spaziare disancorato alla recerca di Dio?

V131 – E He/she died the same way he/she had lived. Looking up at the sky, which had again become familiar to him/her, he/she walked along his/her path in full peace of mind, with his/her usual smile on his/her face.

V131 – I Di immerso conforto nel nostro dolore sono state le ezpressioni di cordoglio manifestateci in vari modi. Apprezziamo profondamente la vostra partecipazione e vi ringraziamo molto sinceramente.

V132 Perhaps you sent a lovely card,

or sat quietly in a chair,
perhaps you sent us flowers,
if so, we saw them there.
Perhaps you spoke the kindest words
as any friend would say.
Perhaps you were not there at all,
just thought of us that day.
Whatever you did to
console our hearts,
we thank you very much.

V133 We sincerely thank you for your prayers, kind thoughts and expressions of sympathy.

V134 We wish to thank you for your kind and comforting expressions of sympathy in our bereavement. Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated and will always be remembered.

V135 The kindness of our relatives and friends who shared our sorrow has comforted and sustained us in the loss of one so dear, and we thank you sincerely for your expressions of sympathy.